This website is outdated --- as of 2024 I am Lecturer at the University of Sheffield.
I will try to work on a new version of the website in the near future, but meanwhile please consider the contents as an achive.
For publications, see for instance DBLP. For emails, you will find my new address on this page.

Welcome to my teaching and research page !

I am a Maître de Conférences at Université Aix-Marseille since 2017. I teach Computer Science at the Faculté d'Economie et de Gestion and I do research in the LIRICA team of the LIS laboratory.

I used to be a PhD student at IRIF (ex-PPS & LIAFA labs, University Paris 7), then a research assistant in Dundee, and then a postdoctoral researcher in the FOCUS team, in Bologna.

Feel free to contact me: first_name dot last_name_here at univ dash amu dot fr (prénom point nom arobase univ tiret amu point fr).

    February (?) 2022, LaBRI, Bordeaux

Since Spring 2020, I organize with Nathanaël Fijalkow, Koko Muroya and Krishna S the online seminar (twice a month) YR-OWLS.

I will probably visit LaBRI in February 2022, if the pandemics allows...

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